Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Target Audience

The waste that is produced from marketing by mail appalls me. Not only do I have to throw away handfuls of ads every time I open my mailbox, but half of them are addressed to some guy named "Current Resident" who doesn't even live here!

Sometimes, however, I am more surprised by what is addressed to me. Take this postcard for example:

Yes, that came for me. Why? I've never had a period nor do I expect to get one and if I did I've decided I'd have a light to moderate flow anyway. The only criteria I fit is that I am between 18 and 49 years old.

So I called and they hung up on me. I think it was comment about bleeding like a stuck pig with the Stigmata of Christ and ruining my white polyester pants. The lady on the phone didn't believe me.

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