Sunday, January 11, 2009

Planning to Quit Smoking?

If you're thinking about quitting smoking, you might want to reconsider until you have all the facts! I recently picked up this great book on the subject from 1955.

Who is this Albert A. Ostrow? A doctor? A tobacco industry insider? CEO of Phillip Morris? None of the above. He is an expert in recreation. His bio courtesy of the dust jacket:

It's not often you see the author's high school listed as a credential, but there it is.

And of course, the book itself is amazing. Below are two selections.

So is smoking bad according to Mr. Ostrow? Possibly, but, as he points out, what doesn't have the potential to harm one's health? Drinking alcohol, eating food, masturbation, or even exercise done to excess is dangerous and destructive. You should simply use moderation in your smoking habits. Enjoy your tobacco responsibly and a long, healthy life may await you.